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martes, 4 de mayo de 2010

Our Planet...

Hello friends, what´s up? Today I want to tell you some news about our planet, we must become aware about its situation because we don´t think about it usually.
Global warming is a very important problem, the most important one...in our planet there are often some changes that occur slowly and we can´t blame anyone about them.
With respect to climate change, we can see its effects in droughts,rains out of season, high and low temperatures...in addition we have to take into account human actions, which also have dangerous consequences: acid rain, extinction of many animal species...it´s time to change and think of the future generations... They entitle to enjoy nature!!

1 comentario:

  1. HI Angela! Your blog is very beautiful... I`m going to study sociology because It is so difficult
    See you soon!
